Next Course Block:

Oct - 5 - 7, 2024

Located at:

Vancouver, Canada 

May Curriculum and Itinerary

Download a copy

West Coast Injection Training Inc, Itinerary.pdf

Peripheral and Axial Skeleton injection courses with landmark and ultrasound training options. Both peripheral (Part A) and axial (Part B) are CNPBC-certified and include a 4 hour full-specimen cadaver lab.

Orthopedics, Perineural and Trigger Point Injections course assessment, manual therapy, injections (trigger point, cutaneous nerve, scar). Does not include cadaver lab.

The only CNPBC-certified courses to offer a cadaver lab for injection training.  Cadaver lab injection training is invaluable for cementing your skills on the last day of our training.

We also offer ultrasound-guided injection training for experienced doctors who already have CNPBC certification or for doctors or nurses who already have, or do not need, CNPBC certification.

Testimonial by Dr.Mike ( 2023)

Certified by: 

We Partner With Industry Leaders